Sleep Quality among Federal District Mobile First-Aid Health Workers
Nursing, Sleep, EmergenciesAbstract
Objective: to assess the sleep quality in health team workers of the Mobile First-Aid Service from Federal District. Method: this is a crossectional and quantitative study conducted in october 2018 with 66 nursing professionals. We applied a sociodemographic and ocupational form and the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index. The descpritive measures for data analysis. Results: most of nursing professionals work 40 hours a week (74,5%), for more than 11 years (74,5%), has an extra employment (74,5%), and work 12 hours daily (74,5%). They do not use sleep inhibitors or medication to sleep in (74,5%). 56% of the sample had poor sleep quality that is more affected for: Daily Sleepiness, Sleep Disturbances and Sleep Duration. Conclusion: nursing team members are exposed to demographic and occupational factors that decrease the sleep quality, with a negative impact on patient’s safety and workers’ health.
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