The perception of hysterectomized women about the care for the disease and the surgical process


  • Amanda Ávila Teixeira Alves
  • Leila Batista Ribeiro
  • Edvâne Nascimento Ferreira
  • Danilo César Silva Lima
  • Danielle Ferreira Silva
  • Taynara Câmara Lopes Dantas
  • Iuri Carvalho Lima Galvão


Hysterectomy, Women's Health, Nursing Care.


Objective: to analyze the guidelines that the fathers/mothers or guardians for the child receive on the care of childhood phimosis. Method: qualitative approach and descriptive method, following Minayo's assumptions, no qualifications as participants were interviewed through the digital platform of Google Forms. Results: There were 10 interviewees who met the exclusion criteria: having children between 1 year and 2 years old, where they answered all the proposed categories referring to phimosis. Conclusion: parents/guardians need more guidance about childhood phimosis and the complications that it can cause if not diagnosed in childhood. With this, we can leave an alert for health professionals, especially those who provide care in basic health units, during the growth and development consultations, guide parents/guardians with clarity about this pathology and its possible complications.


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How to Cite

Alves , A. Ávila T., Ribeiro, L. B., Ferreira, E. N., Lima, D. C. S., Silva, D. F., Dantas, T. C. L., & Galvão, I. C. L. (2023). The perception of hysterectomized women about the care for the disease and the surgical process. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 10(4), 774–782. Retrieved from



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