Health phenomena, resilience and quality of life of medical students- comparative study


  • Gabriel Faria Pol
  • Nathalia Fernandes Rodrigues
  • Rodrigo Marques da Silva


Health phenomena, Medical Students, Comparative study


Objective: to compare health phenomena (perceived stress levels, depressive symptoms and sleep quality), as well as resilient capacity and quality of life per course cycle among medical students from a private teaching institution. Method: cross-sectional, analytical and quantitative research, whose data collection occurred through international validation instruments between November and December 2022 with medical students of a private institution in the Federal District. Results: 50% of the students use drugs to induce sleep and 65.7% use alcoholic beverages, in addition to the predominance of students with low stress in the basic cycle and high levels of stress in the other cycles. With this, it is concluded that the medical course presents stressful situations common to the different cycles of the course, placing the student in an environment conducive to the appearance of phenomena that can interfere directly or indirectly in their mental health. Conclusion: there is no difference in stress levels, sleep quality, depressive symptoms, quality of life resilience throughout the course, that is, these phenomena are not associated with the peculiar characteristics of each cycle.


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How to Cite

Pol, G. F., Rodrigues, N. F., & Silva, R. M. da. (2023). Health phenomena, resilience and quality of life of medical students- comparative study. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(4), 843–857. Retrieved from



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