The incidence of pressure injury in THE ICU in Brazil: an integrative review


  • Vanessa dos Reis
  • Diala Alves de Sousa
  • Lúcia Medeiros Di Lorenzo
  • Katia Jaqueline da Silva Cordeiro
  • Barbara de Lima Alves
  • Crislane dos Santos Nascimento


Incidence, Pressure Injury, Intensive Care Unit


Objective: to know the incidence of pressure injuries in ICUs in Brazil, identify the reasons that lead to this incidence and propose measures that can reduce the occurrence of pressure injuries in ICUs in Brazil. Method: this is an integrative review, the selection of the sample was carried out in the LILACS, MEDLINE and BDENF databases, from February to March 2022, with 9 articles selected. Results: The injury incidence rate varied widely among the states analyzed. In Recife, an incidence rate of 5.6% was observed, while in Rio de Janeiro it reached 65.3%. The studies were concentrated in the Southeast and Northeast regions, which does not indicate a national average. The most affected regions were the sacral, calcaneus and trochanter and in relation to the stages they were mostly 2. The adoption of preventive measures and the performance of the multidisciplinary team continue to be the best practice for the prevention of pressure injuries. Final Considerations: The incidence of pressure injuries in ICUs in Brazil is still unknown, but the fact that we do not know this national incidence is no reason for us not to do what we already know of evidence-based practices when it comes to preventing pressure ulcers. pressure.


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How to Cite

Reis, V. dos, Sousa, D. A. de, Lorenzo, L. M. D., Cordeiro, K. J. da S., Alves, B. de L., & Nascimento, C. dos S. (2023). The incidence of pressure injury in THE ICU in Brazil: an integrative review. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(3), 520–527. Retrieved from



Literature Review