Use of elastic bandage kinesio taping in control of sialorrhia in a child with cerebral paralysis


  • Iel Marciano de Moraes Filho
  • Valdenia Tavares Sousa
  • Ronney Jorge de Souza Raimundo
  • Carla Chiste Tomazoli Santos
  • Leonardo Gama Alves
  • Ihago Santos Guilherme


Cerebral palsy, Sialorrhea, Alternative medical plans, Health technology assessment, Rehabilitation


Objective: To verify the efficiency of Kinesio Taping (KT) in the control of saliva and sialorrhea swallowing in children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and then evaluate the improvement of the child's quality of life, motivation and self-esteem. Method: This is a case report performed with a seven-year-old female child, who was undergoing physical therapy at the School Clinic of a Higher Education Institution (HEI), around the Federal District. The patient responsible voluntarily signed the Informed Consent Term (TALE), after clarifying the study objectives and procedures to be used. The participant presents clinical diagnosis of CP with spastic diplegia and chronic sialorrhea. Results: The initial treatment and the kT method were maintained. In the control of sialorrhea, no allergic reaction related to the bandage was observed for child. She has adapted the placement of the KT tape and achieved a 40% reduction in salivation volume and then a reduction in the number of towels used per day for oral hygiene. In the beginning, the average score for sialorrhea frequency assessment was 4 points. After the second consecutive application, the score scale obtained was 3 points, on average, the mother also reported that there was a reduction in sialorrhea after the use of bandage. Conclusion: The KT method was effective in improving the control of swallowing saliva and sialorrhea in children with CP, reducing the number of towels used per day, thus improving their self-esteem and quality of life. It can be an important therapeutic resource in the area of physical therapy.


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How to Cite

Moraes Filho, I. M. de, Sousa, V. T., Raimundo, R. J. de S., Santos, C. C. T., Alves, L. G., & Guilherme, I. S. (2019). Use of elastic bandage kinesio taping in control of sialorrhia in a child with cerebral paralysis. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 8(3), 329–336. Retrieved from



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