Polymedication of elderly in the university opened to maturity
Seniors, Polypharmacy, Rational use of medicines, RisksAbstract
Objective: to identify the patients affected by polypharmacy, because, in Brazil about 70% of the elderly suffer from some chronic disease and are treated with one or more drugs. Method: The research is descriptive, exploratory, qualitative and quantitative, held with students of the University Open to Maturity – in Campina Grande - PB, in the period from February to May 2018. A Most of the patients studied were represented by women (70%) compared to men (30%). Results: Most of patients were represented by women (70%) compared to men (30%).We observed that 67% of the elderly use 5 drugs or more, while only 33% of these are treated with less than 5. Among the most prescribed, those used in the treatment of hypertension, like the Losartan (16%), diabetes treatment, such as Glifage (12%) and dyslipidemia, such as Simvastatin (10%). Conclusion: Polypharmacy has been a considerable reality among the population and therapeutic interventions have been better with the development of new drugs, helping to improve their use and increase the survival of individuals.
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