Knowledge about neonatal screening: discourses of newborns’ mothers and fathers


  • Anderson Reis de Sousa


Neonatal Screening, Men's Health, Women's Health, Nursing care


Objective: To describe the discourse of fathers and mothers about the conceptions and knowledge about neonatal screening. Method: Descriptive, qualitative study, conducted with 18 mothers and two fathers in three Family Health Units (FHU), in the municipality of São Felipe, Bahia. Eighteen mothers and two fathers of newborns followed in the Child and Adolescent Growth and Development Program participated in the study. In-depth individual interviews were conducted and data were analyzed using the Collective Subject Discourse method. Results: Mothers and fathers understand the purpose of the foot test, had access to knowledge about neonatal screening, highlighting potentialities in the process of learning and health education, through various sources, highlighting the professional performance of nurses in the care of the child. Pre-natal care and weaknesses regarding the diseases detected in the screening. Conclusion: The knowledge of mothers and fathers about newborn screening is directed to the purpose, procedure, enhanced by prenatal care, friends and the media, in spaces such as Primary Care, hospital and social life in the direction of the educational and care process. this target audience.


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How to Cite

Sousa, A. R. de. (2019). Knowledge about neonatal screening: discourses of newborns’ mothers and fathers. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 8(3), 255–263. Retrieved from



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