Spirituality for Teaching Residence in Mental Health and Psychiatry


  • Luana Prado Figueredo
  • Alessandre de Carvalho Junior
  • Júlia Carolina de Matos Cerione Silva
  • José Gilberto Prates
  • Márcia Aparecida Ferreira de Oliveira


Spirituality, Religiosity, Nurse, Education, Nursing, Teaching


Objective: to identify the perception of students of the discipline of Spirituality applied to Nursing in nursing residence in mental health and psychiatry. Method: descriptive-exploratory study with quantitative approach. Self-perception was measured in two moments, pre and post thematic content of the discipline “Spirituality and Religiosity (R-R) applied to Nursing” the word cloud technique for information analysis. Results: of the eleven female students, aged 27 years (average), six reported having religious orientation, citing Catholicism, Protestantism, spiritualism and religious syncretism, practicing in addition to organizational to non-organizational religions, through fasting, prayer, scripture reading and religious books, meditation and contemplation. As for the meanings to E-R, the most representative of the first were: something internal, love and self-knowledge, and the second belief, dogma and prayer. From the experience of learning in this discipline, self-perception about the competences to spiritual care in nursing was higher, from 37.7 to 68.8 in the total score. Conclusion: the discipline provided a dialectical space for a teaching-learning process directed to the skills of spiritual care; assisting in reflections and changes in the profile for self-perception about the E-R and its integrative nursing practices.


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How to Cite

Figueredo, L. P., Carvalho Junior, A. de, Silva, J. C. de M. C., Prates, J. G., & Oliveira, M. A. F. de. (2019). Spirituality for Teaching Residence in Mental Health and Psychiatry. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 8(3), 246–254. Retrieved from https://rdcsa.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/655



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