Medicação®: A Study of Self-Management of Medications in the Elderly


  • Isabelle Patriciá Freitas Soares Chariglione
  • Sandra Godoi de Passos
  • Edilson Ferneda
  • Fernando William Cruz
  • Henrique Salmazo da Silva
  • Vicente Paulo Alves


Application, Self-management, Elderly, Medication, Usability


Objective: To evaluate a self-administered drug in elderly, by an application. Method: Applied, cross and mixed research, performed with 15 elderly people with age equal to 69.45 (SD = 6.55). The collections occurred before and after 60 days of use of the application, being evaluated through the MMSE, pre-use questionnaire, post-use questionnaire and questionnaire on aspects related to the usability of the application. To analyze the quantitative data, SPSS descriptive analyzes were used, and for the qualitative data the software IRaMuTeQ was used. Results: Regarding the categorization of the sample, mostly female (66.66%) and with low usability (59.04). Qualitative data at the pre-use time presented seven classes and the prevalence of the words “take” and “Medication”. At the post-use point, seven other classes and the prevalence of the words “No” and “Application” were observed, indicating difficulty in use. Conclusion: It is suggested that there be more studies that address issues related to interactivity, especially accessibility and usability, in order to subsidize the design and construction of better applications aimed at the elderly public.


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How to Cite

Chariglione , I. P. F. S., Passos, S. G. de, Ferneda, E., Cruz, F. W., Silva, H. S. da, & Alves, V. P. (2020). Medicação®: A Study of Self-Management of Medications in the Elderly. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 9(2), 199–211. Retrieved from



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