Guidelines for Clinical Dental Practice for Oncology patients and COVID-19


  • Joana Dourado Martins Cerqueira
  • Ângela Guimarães Martins
  • José Lucas Sani de Alcântara Rodrigues
  • Fabrício da Silva Ribeiro
  • Laise Nascimento Lobo
  • Márcio Campos Oliveira


COVID-19, Dentistry, Cancer


Objective: to carry out an integrative review in order to compile the current concepts on dental practice for cancer patients and COVID-19. Method: for the construction of this article, electronic bibliographic searches were performed using the Pubmed database that addressed the proposed theme until 2020. The search for the articles was carried out in May and June 2020 and for that, the search string was used (Sars-Cov-2 OR coronavirus OR covid-19) and (dentistry OR oral health OR dental practice OR dental education). Results: 25 articles read in their full version were selected, and at the end 16 articles were presented that clearly presented the clinical protocol for dental care during the COVID-19 pandemic and another 09 articles related the dental care of cancer patients during the pandemic and future perspectives. Conclusion: the protocol for dental care in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic demands adaptation in the dental work environment, a careful protocol of personal protective equipment, as well as a change in the relationship with the patient, remembering to humanize the care of cancer patients.


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How to Cite

Cerqueira , J. D. M., Martins, Ângela G., Rodrigues, J. L. S. de A., Ribeiro, F. da S., Lobo, L. N., & Oliveira, M. C. (2020). Guidelines for Clinical Dental Practice for Oncology patients and COVID-19. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 9(Especial 1), 618–630. Retrieved from



Literature Review