Multisensory child circuit in primary care: a transdisciplinary approach to neuropsychomotor development


  • Núbia dos Passos Souza Falco
  • Leila Kiyomi Toyama Kato
  • Nathália Moreira Barbosa
  • Bruna Izabela Correia Ribeiro
  • Marcus Vinícius Ribeiro Ferreira
  • Joanna Lima Costa
  • Marcus Vinícius Dias de Oliveira
  • Alexandre Marco de Leon


Primary Health Care, Multisensory interventions, Child Health


Objective: To report the implementation of a multisensory circuit designed to prevent and intervene in neuropsychomotor developmental disorders in children aged 6 to 10 years. Methodology: A qualitative study conducted with children aged 6 to 10 years diagnosed with ASD, ADHD, motor deficits, and language delays. The circuit was structured into motor, cognitive, and integration stations, with 10 sessions lasting 1.5 hours each. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were carried out using the Child Phonological Assessment Protocol (PAFI) and the Motor Development Scale. Results: Improvements were observed in motor, cognitive, and social areas. Children with ASD showed advancements in socialization and nonverbal communication, while those with ADHD demonstrated better motor control and concentration. The involvement of caregivers was essential for the success of the intervention. Conclusion: The multisensory circuit was effective in promoting neuropsychomotor development, particularly with the active participation of caregivers and the transdisciplinary approach.


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How to Cite

Falco, N. dos P. S., Kato, L. K. T., Barbosa, N. M., Ribeiro, B. I. C., Ferreira, M. V. R., Costa, J. L., … Leon, A. M. de. (2024). Multisensory child circuit in primary care: a transdisciplinary approach to neuropsychomotor development. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 13(Esp. 2), 1168–1175. Retrieved from



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