Elderly with HIV/AIDS: actions and experiences of health professionals in times of Covid-19


  • Simony Leite Barbosa
  • Luciana Mitsue Sakano Niwa
  • Suely Itsuko Ciosak


HIV, Aged, COVID-19, Health care professional, Nursing


Objective: to know the actions and perceptions of health professionals in coping with the care of the elderly undergoing HIV/AIDS treatment during the SARS-C0V-2 pandemic. Method: descriptive, exploratory, qualitative study, from the perspective of Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology, with health professionals of both sexes, who worked in the Unit for The Care of Infectious Diseases of Caraguatatuba-SP, in December 2020. Interviews were conducted with the help of an instrument on the characterization of professionals and questions about the actions and perceptions of professionals. Results: they bring reflections on the experiences of professionals when providing care to elderly patients with HIV/AIDS during the Pandemic. Social responses brought knowledge about the involvement and resilience demonstrated by health professionals. Final considerations: the experiences of the professionals were focused on the care and well-being of these elderly, even if they were going through adversities and adaptations, such as the lack of human and material resources.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, S. L., Niwa, L. M. S., & Ciosak, S. I. (2023). Elderly with HIV/AIDS: actions and experiences of health professionals in times of Covid-19. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 11(4), 596–609. Retrieved from https://rdcsa.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/218



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