Absence of association of IL4 polymorphism and clinical characteristics of hemorrhagic stroke


  • Izabel Cristina Rodrigues da Silva
  • Geiza Carneiro Torres
  • Larissa Sousa Silva Bonasser
  • Gabriel Moura Alves Seixas
  • Luzitano Brandão Ferreira
  • Helia Carla Souza Silva


Polymorphism, Interleukin-4, Stroke.


Objective: to investigate the association between The IL4 gene VNTR polymorphism, located in the intron 3 region, in patients diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke (Stroke) or intracerebral aneurysm in a sample from the Federal District. Method: This was an observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study with 55 individuals, from which the clinical characteristics of the medical records were recorded and genotyping analysis was performed using the PCR strategy. Genotypic frequencies were estimated by direct counting. The level of significance adopted was 5% and the statistical test used was Chi-Square. Results: It was verified that the most frequent genotype was B1/B2 (50.9%; n=28), followed by the ancestral genotype B1/B1 (27.3%, N=15), and the least frequent was genotype B2/B2 (21.8%, N=12). No statistical association was found between the variables systemic arterial hypertension, diabetes, smoking and alcohol consumption and the presence of polymorphism in the studied group. Conclusion: The presence of IL4 INTRON 3 VNTR polymorphism was associated with the gender variable, demonstrating that in the sample studied, AVEH is more frequent in women than in men, diverging from studies in which males are more likely to develop a VENa.


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How to Cite

Silva, I. C. R. da, Torres, G. C., Bonasser, L. S. S., Seixas, G. M. A., Ferreira, L. B., & Silva, H. C. S. (2023). Absence of association of IL4 polymorphism and clinical characteristics of hemorrhagic stroke. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 11(4), 565–572. Retrieved from https://rdcsa.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/210



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