Main factors that change the quality of sleep and the consequences in the lives of nurses who work in the intensive care unit


  • Silvia Cristina Cardoso de Holanda
  • Diala Alves de Sousa


Sleep, Work in shifts, Nursing, Intensive care unit.


Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence of principais factors that alter the quality of sleep and the consequences in the lives of nurses working in the intensive care unit. Method: Integrative literature review, conducted from December 2021 to May 2022. The search was carried out, through the VHL, SciELO and CAPES Platform using the descriptors: sleep, "shift work", nursing and "intensive care units", combined with the Boolean operator "AND". Results: There is a very close relationship between daily exposure to stressors related to the exhausting and tiring environment that is the ICU, the quality of sleep of nurses working shifts and the consequences in their lives. Since the sleep-wake cycle pattern is altered all sleep quality undergoes irreparable changes directly influencing the social and family quality of life, harming the worker's health. Conclusion: Thus, it is indicative that the damage caused by the change in the sleep-wake cycle is both harmful to the psycho-social health of nurses and the quality of care provided by this worker to patients who are in their care.


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How to Cite

Holanda, S. C. C. de, & Sousa, D. A. de. (2023). Main factors that change the quality of sleep and the consequences in the lives of nurses who work in the intensive care unit. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(1), 62–79. Retrieved from



Literature Review