Ethics, reception and humanized treatment of oncological patients


  • Jéssica Ramalho Guimarães
  • Cleoneide Limeira da Silva
  • Andrey Hudson Interaminense Mendes de Araújo


Humanization, Ethics, Reception, Cancer


Objective: to analyze the importance of ethical, welcoming and humanized care to cancer patients by health professionals. Method: narrative review study. The search was performed in the virtual library Scielo, PubMed and Lilacs. Results: the filters inserted for the search were: national and international papers, complete and available in Portuguese and English, which addressed the theme proposed for the study, from 2010 to 2022. Results: 57 articles were found in Scielo; 50 articles in PubMed and 312 in LILACS. Thirty-seven articles were selected and the remainder discarded by the title. After the complete reading of the articles, 16 were included to make this article. Due to the complexity of cancer and its treatment, patients and their families need health professionals to be able to provide welcoming care and ethical and humanized treatment, taking into consideration their physical pains, fears and longings. Conclusion: each patient has their specific needs, in some cases the patient may not be conscious, or need special care, however, humanization aims to provide physical and emotional comfort for the patient and his/her family/caregivers so that they can go through this moment in a less traumatic way.


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How to Cite

Guimarães , J. R., Silva, C. L. da, & Araújo, A. H. I. M. de. (2023). Ethics, reception and humanized treatment of oncological patients. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(1), 13–24. Retrieved from



Literature Review