Scientific dissemination and interdisciplinary teaching to promote Health: integrating Universities and Schools


  • Raquel Guimarães Benevides
  • Erica Maria Granjeiro


Scientific dissemination, interdisciplinary teaching, Health promotion


A major challenge faced by Science is its popularization, since the scientific knowledge generated in scientific institutions, in most cases, is usually restricted to the academic sphere, especially excluding those who need this information the most, the population. In fact, access to scientific knowledge contributes to the development of society, collaborates with the advancement of quality in educational training and allows the population to get closer to Science


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How to Cite

Benevides, R. G., & Granjeiro, E. M. (2024). Scientific dissemination and interdisciplinary teaching to promote Health: integrating Universities and Schools . Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 13(Esp1), 229–231. Retrieved from


