Intervention proposal for the practice of physical activity in police officers


  • Cleise Cristine Ribeiro Borges Oliveira
  • Ana Carla Carvalho Coelho
  • Bruna Rafaela Carneiro
  • Aline Raposo Ramos
  • Cláudia Geovana da Silva Pires


Clinical Protocols, Physical exercise, Police, Nursing


Objective: To present an intervention protocol to encourage physical activity in military police officers. Method: Report of professional experience. Results: Construction of an intervention protocol adopting the Theory of Planned Behavior and offering information about physical activity through mobile telemessaging. This is a protocol to be developed over a period of two months, in three stages: i) situational diagnosis: survey of the barriers listed by military police officers for physical activity; ii) action planning: sending weekly mobile telemessages about physical activity at work, leisure and in daily activities considering the identified barriers and iii) monitoring of participants: carrying out a monthly call in order to verify the execution of the plan prepared to verify whether was done, were there difficulties and what were the facilities. Conclusion: It presents a feasible alternative capable of generating data collections on the level of physical activity in military police officers, as well as contributing to raising awareness for maintaining this health behavior with a view to controlling the disease and improving quality of life.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, C. C. R. B., Coelho, A. C. C., Carneiro, B. R., Ramos, A. R., & Pires, C. G. da S. (2024). Intervention proposal for the practice of physical activity in police officers. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 13(2), 593–600. Retrieved from



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