Prenatal and perinatal risk factors of mothers who had preterm births


  • , Leila Batista Ribeiro
  • Kênia Delânia Marques de Queiroz Arquiminio
  • Nathália Martins Godinho
  • Lydiane Kelly Oliveira de Lima
  • Tatiana Parada Romariz Rodrigues
  • Thaís Gontijo Ribeiro
  • Marcus Vinícius Ribeiro Ferreira
  • Jiullyane Kelle da Silva


Risk factors, Maternal and child health, Neonatal prematurity, Preterm newborn, Family relationships


Objective: to characterize the prevalence of maternal, prenatal, and perinatal risk factors, as well as family support received during pregnancy, and investigate their association with premature births. Method: This cross- sectional, quantitative, and retrospective study was conducted at a university in the Federal District. Data was collected in 2021 and 2022 through a questionnaire administered to 22 mothers of preterm infants who met the following criteria: being mothers of babies born at 37 weeks or less and voluntarily agreeing to respond to the questionnaire. Results: The majority of the mothers were aged between 18 and 29 years (50%), were of brown ethnicity (54.54%), had no history of previous premature birth (72.80%), had a single pregnancy (81.81%), had 7 to 10 prenatal consultations (45.40%), did not undergo pelvic physiotherapy (86.36%), or participate in physical exercises during pregnancy  (86.36%).  According  to  the family Apgar scale, these mothers had highly functional families (81.81%). Conclusion: The analyzed data  indicate  that  the  evaluated  mothers  have functional families with adequate family support. However, certain maternal variables, such as ethnicity, type of pregnancy, age, and  practice  of  physical exercises, may influence the risk of preterm birth.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, , L. B., Arquiminio, K. D. M. de Q., Godinho, N. M., Lima, L. K. O. de, Rodrigues, T. P. R., Ribeiro, T. G., … Silva, J. K. da. (2023). Prenatal and perinatal risk factors of mothers who had preterm births. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(1), 231–239. Retrieved from



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