Health and discrimination in the aging process LGBTQIA+


  • Ana Carolaine de Souza Batista
  • Julys Nathan Ferreira Soares
  • Ester Mascarenhas Oliveira
  • Cleuma Sueli Santos Suto
  • Marília Emanuela Ferreira de Jesus
  • Vanessa Alvarenga Pegoraro
  • Luciana Neves da Silva Bampi


Sexual and Gender Minorities, Population-ageing, Delivery of Health Care, Health Care Seeking Behavior, Health Services Accessibility


Objective: To identify the experiences and discrimination experienced by the aging LGBTQIA+ population during the provision of health services. Method: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach, through the application of a questionnaire with sociodemographic information and questions about previous experiences within health institutions and perception of care received. Results: Nine people participated, predominantly identified as cisgender men; and, only one was aged between 65 and 70 years. Most seek the health service twice a year motivated mainly by particular problems, the respiratory system, high blood pressure or persistent pain. They indicated that there was no discouragement to seek services and most did not report experiences of discrimination. Conclusion: The low frequency of discrimination may indicate the difficulty of characterizing the exposure and/or experiences of this population. Therefore, one should seek to understand what this population considers discrimination by health services to LGBTQIA+ people during the aging process.


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How to Cite

Batista, A. C. de S., Soares, J. N. F., Oliveira, E. M., Suto, C. S. S., Jesus, M. E. F. de, Pegoraro, V. A., & Bampi, L. N. da S. (2023). Health and discrimination in the aging process LGBTQIA+. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(1), 219–230. Retrieved from



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