Failure rate in skin grafts in burn patients and related factors


  • Marcos Rassi Fernandes
  • Lais Lara Silva Xavier
  • Erilane Soares da Silva
  • Ana Caroliny da Silva
  • Priscilla de Souza Porto
  • Thais Vilela de Sousa
  • Keila Cristina Félis
  • Iel Marciano de Moraes Filho
  • Lorena Morena Rosa Melchior


Skin Transplantation, Burns, Nursing care


Objective: To estimate the failure rate of skin grafts in patients with burns and related factors. Method: This is a quantitative, longitudinal, prospective cohort study, carried out with burn victims undergoing skin grafting. Data collection was performed through interviews, analysis of medical records and evaluation of grafts. Results: The mean follow-up time was 20.7 days. In the sample studied, 41.67% of the patients had failed to adhere to skin grafting and the factors that proved to be significant for success were: change in serum albumin levels; presence of bleeding; presence, amount and appearance of exudate and presence of odor. Conclusion: It can be seen that aspects related to the conditions of the wound bed are decisive in the success of the skin graft.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, M. R., Xavier, L. L. S., Silva, E. S. da, Silva, A. C. da, Porto, P. de S., Sousa, T. V. de, … Melchior, L. M. R. (2023). Failure rate in skin grafts in burn patients and related factors. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(1), 183–193. Retrieved from



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