Profile of interned elderly people with dementia in Brazil in the period from 2012 to 2021


  • Cátia Suely Palmeira
  • Gleide Vânia Cruz Cavalcante
  • Tassia Teles Santana de Macedo
  • Claudete Dantas da Silva Varela


Hospitalization, Dementia, Health of the elderly


Objective: To describe the profile of elderly patients hospitalized with dementia in Brazil from 2012 to 2021. Method: Retrospective ecological time series study using secondary data from the Information System (DATASUS). The population consisted of elderly people aged 60 years and over. The following variables were chosen: year of hospitalization, length of stay, macro-regions of Brazil, year of occurrence, sex, color/race, number of deaths, character and regime of care. Results: In the period analyzed, 15,778 hospitalizations of elderly people with dementia were recorded, with the highest number in the Southeast Region (9,967), and in the cities of Rio de Janeiro (4,060) and São Paulo (4,021). Regarding the characteristics, there was a higher frequency of elderly females (8,599; 54.5%) aged 80 years and over (6,146; 38.9%), white (6,917; 43.8%), and in urgent care (10,171; 63.8%). Older adults aged 60 to 69 years were hospitalized longer (80.4 days), although the mortality rate was higher among older adults aged 80 ≥ years (19.9%). Conclusion: Elderly people with dementia are a growing reality in Brazil. Thus, actions aimed at improving the quality of care are necessary.


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How to Cite

Palmeira, C. S., Cavalcante, G. V. C., Macedo, T. T. S. de, & Varela, C. D. da S. (2024). Profile of interned elderly people with dementia in Brazil in the period from 2012 to 2021. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 13(2), 525–536. Retrieved from



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