Sexuality of women living with HIV: it's complicated


  • Cleuma Sueli Santos Suto
  • Mirian Santos Paiva
  • Carle Porcino
  • Pablo Luiz Santos Couto
  • Andreia Silva Rodrigues
  • Marília Emanuela Ferreira de Jesus
  • Ana Carolaine de Souza Batista


Sexuality, Hiv, Women, Secondary health care, Nursing


Objective: To analyze the structure of social representations of women living with HIV about sexuality. Method: Qualitative research with theoretical and methodological framework of the Theory of Social Representations, anchored in the Theory of the Central Nucleus. Word-free evocations were collected in the months of August to November 2018 from 191 women living with HIV in a municipality in Bahia. The data were processed by the Evoc software, forming tables of four houses. Results: In its structure it presents the words sex, to prevent, I do not know and complicated. The terms refer to the conception of sexuality as something "difficult" to be named and that requires preventive care. The central and peripheral elements presented, for the most part, a negative connotation of sexuality. Conclusion: The representations are anchored in situations of fear and fear of exposing the condition of living with the virus. It is suggested that the theme can be incorporated into the care practices of health professionals.


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How to Cite

Suto, C. S. S., Paiva, M. S., Porcino, C., Couto, P. L. S., Rodrigues, A. S., Jesus, M. E. F. de, & Batista, A. C. de S. (2023). Sexuality of women living with HIV: it’s complicated. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(2), 350–360. Retrieved from



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