Use of herbal medicines in women's health


  • Claudia Conforto de Sá
  • Charles Lima Ribeiro
  • Vanessa Rosa de Oliveira Teixeira Costa


Phytotherapy, Women's Health, Complementary therapies, Climacteric, Medicinal plants


Objecive: list the benefits of the use of herbal medicines in women's health based on the literature. Method: integrative literature review. Guide question: What are the main herbal medicines used in women's health and their benefits according to the literature? The access and selection of articles occurred between January and February 2023. For the search of the articles, information found in the databases: MedLine, SciELO, BDENF and LILACS were included, the complete articles published in full, in Portuguese and English, within the period of 10 years (2012 to 2022), being excluded articles that did not answer the guide question. Results: six articles were found that presented the best known medicinal plants linked to the treatment of the endocrine and reproductive systems in the climacteric, which were: Glycine max, Angelica sinensis, Vitex agnus castus, Uncaria tomentosa, Lepidium meyenii, Panax ginseng. Conclusion: the phytoestrogens presented in the study demonstrate efficacy to combat climacteric symptoms, being more common isoflavones, but other plants also have important benefits to maintain women's health with regard to the genital tract.


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How to Cite

Sá, C. C. de, Ribeiro, C. L., & Costa, V. R. de O. T. (2023). Use of herbal medicines in women’s health. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(2), 321–329. Retrieved from



Literature Review