Analysis of knowledge of the glasgow coma scale in nursing students in their last and penultimate semesters


  • Isabella Fernandes Messias
  • Maria Clara Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Ligia Canongia de Abreu Cardoso Duarte
  • Geraldo Jeronimo da Silva Neto
  • Lays Fernandes Messias


Glasgow Coma Scale, Students, Nursing; Knowledge, Coma


Objective: to analyze the knowledge of the Glasgow Coma Scale in nursing students in the last and penultimate semesters of Centro Universitário Planalto do Distrito Federal Campus Águas Claras. Method: This study used a quantitative approach with the descriptive method, using a questionnaire with six objective questions for data collection. Results: The research carried out with a sample of 20 nursing students showed that 80% demonstrated that they know what is evaluated on the scale, but it was found that only 20% understand how to correctly use the Glasgow Coma Scale. Conclusion: most students have theoretical knowledge about the Glasgow Coma Scale, but they have deficits in the application of the scale.


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How to Cite

Messias, I. F., Oliveira, M. C. R. de, Duarte, L. C. de A. C., Silva Neto, G. J. da, & Messias, L. F. (2023). Analysis of knowledge of the glasgow coma scale in nursing students in their last and penultimate semesters. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(4), 959–963. Retrieved from



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