Evaluation of intestinal constipation in higher level students at a university in the extreme south of catarina


  • Maria Eduarda Concer
  • Lara Canever
  • Maria Cristina Gonçalves de Souza
  • Kristian Madeira
  • Sarah Galatto Cancillier
  • Louyse Sulzbach Damázio
  • Beatriz Tomé
  • Alexandra Ioppi Zugno


Students, Intestinal Constipation, Water Intake, Fibers


Objective: To evaluate the presence of IC in students in the initial and final stages of Medicine, Nutrition and Civil Engineering courses at a University in the extreme south of Santa Catarina - Criciúma, through food and water intake, types of feces, whether they use, or no, of evacuation alternatives, comparing eating habits with influence on constipation in students from three different areas. Method: This study was carried out through a questionnaire answered with questions about the individual's life habits, together with the criteria of Rome III, Rome IV and Bristol Scale. Results: Characterized by 158 students, 71.5% (n=113) female and only 28.5% (n=45) male. Liquid intake was low, with 33.5% (n=53) ingesting more than 1600ml/day. Through the Bristol Scale, 15.8% (n=25) revealed to evacuate Type 1 and 2, characterizing CI. Regarding laxatives, only 3.2% (n=5) confirmed their use. CI was found in 18.6% (n=21) of women and 8.9% (n=4) of men. Conclusion: the highlighted diet is low in fiber. It is notorious that students suffer from HF symptoms. Through the help of a nutrition professional, it is necessary that they balance their diet with fiber, consume more water daily and, consequently, help in the good intestinal functioning and in the improvement of the quality of life.


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How to Cite

Concer, M. E., Canever, L., Souza, M. C. G. de, Madeira, K., Cancillier, S. G., Damázio, L. S., … Zugno, A. I. (2023). Evaluation of intestinal constipation in higher level students at a university in the extreme south of catarina. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(4), 899–913. Retrieved from https://rdcsa.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/125



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