Health phenomena in medical students in a private institution


  • Bruno Ribeiro Leite Jardim Cavalcante
  • Eduardo Felipe Nacul
  • Thais de Andrade Paula
  • Rodrigo Marques da Silva


Medical Students, Quality Of Life, Health Phenomena


Objective: To analyze the occurrence of health phenomena (perceived stress, sleep quality, depressive symptoms and quality of life) in medical students in a private educational institution. Method: This is a cross-sectional, analytical and quantitative research, whose data collection occurred through validity instruments between November and December 2022 together with medical students from a private higher education institution in the Federal District. Results: there was a predominance of high level of stress (52.9%), presence of depressive symptoms (100%), low quality of sleep (83.5%) and high general quality of life (70.6%). In the analysis of quality of life by domain, there is a high quality of physical life (62.4%), psychological (49.4%), social relations (69.4%) and the environment (82.4%). Conclusion: The students of the medical course are exposed to stressors of academic training, presenting high stress, low sleep quality and depressive symptomatology, but still maintain a good quality of life in all its dimensions.


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How to Cite

Cavalcante, B. R. L. J., Nacul, E. F., Paula, T. de A., & Silva, R. M. da. (2023). Health phenomena in medical students in a private institution. Revista De Divulgação Científica Sena Aires, 12(3), 611–624. Retrieved from



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